When you are ready to apply for a mortgage loan, your lender will ask you for all sorts of financial information. One of the things lenders do with this data is to calculate your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. A DTI ratio is one of the most basic methods len
Apr 17, 2019 | Credit Fixed Rate Mortgages Conventional Loans Preapproval
Buying a home for the first time is a very exciting adventure, but as with any new experience it can be easy to make plenty of mistakes. In order to make a satisfying purchase, try to avoid these 5 big first-timer blunders. 1. Get Pre-Approved before loo
Jan 16, 2019 | Purchasing a Home First-time Homebuyers Preapproval
Being able to purchase a home is often tied to how much of a down payment you have saved. If you have never bought a house before, you may not understand what a down payment is or why it is so important. Here’s the basics you need to know as you sav
Jan 02, 2019 | VA Loans FHA Loans Preapproval Purchasing a Home
In order to achieve the dream of homeownership, many buyers look for creative financing to aid them in their quest. One such option is a piggyback mortgage, which actually involves taking out two separate loans to make homeownership more affordable. These
Sep 12, 2018 | First-time Homebuyers Conventional Loans Preapproval Purchasing a Home
When you are ready to buy a home, whether for the first time or the tenth, it is always important to know how much you can afford to spend. This will help you narrow your home search and ensure you do not get in over your head financially. There are sever
Aug 08, 2018 | Purchasing a Home Preapproval Pre-qualification